Wednesday, July 28, 2010

brush with greatness...

Heard a reference in church of CS Lewis' description of a child being content with making mudpies in the slum, unaware that God has planned for him a holiday at the beach... I heard that just last night on H2O. How does God do that? WHY does He do that? Do you ever notice that sometimes God brings these messages before us in bunches? It's clearly Him who is doing it....

Perhaps its just Him brushing up against us to show us He's close. I can see Him doing that. Like leaving cookies out on the table for us to find when we get home... We know He did it, but its like a silent gift, an expression of kindness.

Perhaps in ages to come, heaven (and us too) will be telling the stories of when God was hidden from view to man, and how He would leave signs of Himself for man to find. And He would brush up against man in just unfathomable ways...

*Eph 2:7- " coming ages, He will show the incomparable riches of His grace - expressed in His kindness to us through Jesus Christ."

1 comment:

Let Love Grow said...

I needed to hear that... Love it. No more mudpies for me :-)