Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Earth's Changing Climate- part II

I like letting data speak for itself and, oh my gosh, look at the North Atlantic Sea Temperature rise!  The earth is heating up!

Oh, wait a minute... that's just the small, rising part of a 60 year cycle in ocean temperature.  Here's data since 1850 instead.

Sorry to toy with your emotions, but doesn't it feel familiar?  I'm afraid we've all been toyed with over our lifetimes.  It's tragic.  So let me jump to the happy ending. 

We are much healthier and more resilient than we've been led to believe. 

Who cares if people have chosen to show tidbits of the whole picture?  So what if nations have implemented "Carbon Taxes" and sent billions to the UN so they can save us all!  It's utter fraud.  For those of us who haven't bought it, and have sought out historical data, we can see its all been a scam. 

The earth is just fine.  We've just completed a wonderful period of global greening over the past 70 years, and we can be thankful for this historically huge amount of heat coming from the sun.  Now, and over the coming 30-60 years, we can expect not as crop-friendly solar activity, and we might consider preparing for it.

How? How about growing micro-greens in your kitchen? Or starting a greenhouse and growing hydroponic veggies to feed your family? With your new self-sufficiency, you'll feel great about yourself!

We are much healthier and more resilient than we've been led to believe.  
Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Earth's Changing Climate

Where is the earth's climate headed?  My view is that the single largest input of energy into the earth system is The Sun.  How have we missed including that as part of the discussion?  I think the Sun's energy output is most relevant to the question.

The chart is showing sunspot activity going back to 1700 (click on the chart to see a more readable display).  That's a very significant data set.  The number of sun spots in a given year is directly related to the amount of energy coming from the sun (measured in Watts per square meter) but it's easiest to plot sunspot count. Now, they say that one climate data point gathers the previous 30 years worth of data. So I did that, and that is the top chart.

On the 30-year average chart, each data point is the average number of sun spots over the previous 30 years.  I've added a green and blue band and some recognizable historical events to give a reference. 


You can see that since 1950, we have been in an ongoing period of the highest amount of energy coming from the sun in history. This has produced a wonderful period of good crops worldwide. You could call it global greening!

You can also see that we are now heading into a period of reduced energy coming from the sun. Don't say 'ice age'.  It is more likely going to be a period with weather patterns like we saw in the 30's. Long harsh winters and reduced crop yields. We are already seeing very long and harsh winter weather conditions in the northern latitudes. Expect that to continue for the next thirty years!  

No, there's nothing you can do to change it. It's The Sun stupid!


Friday, May 11, 2018

Martin Luther and me

I think Martin Luther was like me. 

He had the same understanding of God's personality, and the nature of the battle we're in.

His song - A Mighty Fortress -  isn't about our needing protection... 

It's about Jesus winning our battle, and that our lives are the instrument through which God's truth prevails, and how the devil will fail miserably, so stand without fear and forsake everything to live for Jesus.

So, here is my interpretation of A MIGHTY FORTRESS as a blog post:

God is the most solid, reliable protection we will ever have.  
He prevails on our behalf, against the flood of deadly assaults we face over the course of our lives. 

Assaults from whom? You ask.  
Well since that first day in the garden, until just this morning, our greatest enemy is seeking to trap us and destroy us.
He spends all day and all night, every day and night, scheming and colluding with all the powerful elements in this world, to bring all his cruel hatred to bear upon us. There is no one who compares with him in his hatred of us, or in the resources at his disposal.

Standing against him on our own, we could fight with all our strength, and we would lose - every single day.  
That is, unless we had the right man to fight for us!  A man chosen by God. Ha!

Who is that man? You ask.
It is the man Christ Jesus. Lord of the Sabbath. Steadfast, immovable, undefeated and undefeatable.
And He will win this battle!

This whole world, aligned with that great hater, threatens to take apart our faith, our dreams, and our families.
But we will not fear.  

Because this is God's will - awesome and unstoppable:
That our very lives will be the instrument through which God's truth prevails, and through which that hater is thrown down and defeated.  That's a powerful statement, right there.

That devil, he's the ugly prince of darkness. And though he threatens, we are not afraid of him.  We can stand in the midst of his raging. 

How can we stand? You ask.  
Because his future is over. His future is that he doesn't have one. 
You will see One Word spoken, and it will end for him.

What word is that? You ask.
Ha!  It is the word that abides forever.  It is the word that is above all those in earthly power, though they reject it.

Dear brethren, this is the blessedness of our lives in Christ Jesus.  
The Holy Spirit has been given to us. 
And the gifts of the Spirit have been given to us - through Christ Jesus.
So, I say, let nothing on earth keep you from Him!  Let no affection draw you away from Him!
Not your pursuits in this life, not even your family!  
Because, even if they kill you, and they will, God's truth remains forever. And His kingdom is forever.

A mighty fortress is our God, 
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
doth seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right man on our side,
the man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth, his name,
from age to age the same,
and he must win the battle. 

And though this world, with devils filled, 
should threaten to undo us, 
we will not fear, for God hath willed 
his truth to triumph through us. 
The Prince of Darkness grim, 
we tremble not for him; 
his rage we can endure, 
for lo, his doom is sure; 
one little word shall fell him. 

That word above all earthly powers, 
no thanks to them, abideth; 
the Spirit and the gifts are ours, 
thru him who with us sideth. 
Let goods and kindred go, 
this mortal life also; 
the body they may kill; 
God's truth abideth still; 
his kingdom is forever. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

300 Year Plan

"Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession." Ps 2:8

If Japanese companies have 300 year plans for the company's longevity and stability... and if the blue-bloods are all intermarrying by design (and there's a lot of jokes about royal family inbreeding)... then what are the people of God doing to ensure their godly heritage?  Is it not a strong heritage for children when generations before them have walked with God?  It is!

Well, the most powerful families- the Rothschilds, Medicis, Bushes and the royals... they make generational plans for building and controlling their wealth and power.  They don't teach their kids that love will lead you to your mate.  They teach them that they are part of a family with a heritage, and they will marry within a certain set of other families. Named families.  It's all about wealth and power.

So what is it about for the people of God?
It must be about representing the image of God on the earth.  Revealing and valuing the beauty and purity of the image of God.  This is what Satan hates most.  Let us know that we are part of a family with a heritage of God's own impartation of Himself on the earth.  An impartation that has an ongoing 300 year plan to grow the knowledge of God on the earth.  Let this come through our godly families.

 It is not a small thing for you to know what you are a part of. You are of the bloodline of rescued and redeemed believers in Jesus Christ, grafted into the family of God.  And if you are part of a godly family, it's no small thing to know that you have a heritage to preserve and grow and pass on and instill in your children.  

This is the identity of your family, and it is of great value.  You don't throw that away by giving your children over to this broken world's machines, or let them learn from God-hating world systems to be 'free to find themselves' (in so many unrighteous ways).  No.  You use every opportunity to expose the world's devices as the enemy's tools for defiling the image of God, and to teach how the children of God are made for godliness and for making war on the enemy's lies.

We need to talk more about growing and preserving our godly heritage, and what it is meant for.