Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Paradise Found

Here's a condensed rewrite of Paradise Lost with the twist that all of Human History - 
Man's fall, his redemption, and his subsequent conquest of lost ground-
have always been the plan- since Satan's rebellion- before the foundation of the earth... 
We are in the midst of God's reply- a powerful demonstration of His true nature
And men are the vessel of His demonstration.  We should get with the program.

Paradise Found

In Heaven's vaulted halls where glory reigns,

Sat Satan, once in splendor’s full embrace,

A countenance of light, now dark with scorn,

Rose to accuse the Throne of Might and Grace.

"O God, proclaimed as good, Almighty, just,

Creator of the worlds and sustainer of life,

How can You claim these honors in Your name,

When shadows of Your faults arise in sight?"

"Your faithfulness is fickle, love contrived,

Your power not supreme, but flawed, unwise.

You speak of endless mercy, boundless care,

Yet tyranny and pride infest Your air."

God, with wisdom vast and patience deep,

In silent contemplation heard the charge,

His countenance serene, yet eyes ablaze

With holy fire and boundless, just resolve.

"Behold, thy accusations I will meet,

With power, truth, and love beyond thy grasp.

A plan unfolds within My sovereign will,

To silence every doubt, expose the lie."

"I'll fashion Earth, a realm of purest form,

And there, a being, shaped in My own mold,

With breath of life infused, a soul endowed,

This Man shall walk in innocence and grace."

"But tempted he shall be, deceived to fall,

Into thy grip, to taste of sin's cruel sting.

Yet through this fall, My greater plan revealed,

For from his seed, redemption shall arise."

"The Son, My own, in flesh shall come to dwell,

To walk the path of sorrow, pain, and death,

His blood the price, His life the ransom paid,

To break thy hold, to crush thy darkened reign."

"In death He conquers death, in rising frees,

The sons of men from chains of sin and shame.

Through faith in Him, restored to life and light,

They shall reclaim the ground once lost to thee."

"With resurrection's power, men shall rise,

In newfound strength, thy darkness to dispel.

The peace with Me, a bond unbreakable,

Shall answer all thy questionings, quell thy pride."

"Not by might alone, but by My love,

Shall they reclaim the beauty from the ash.

In every corner, light shall pierce the dark,

And man, My victor, shall reflect My grace."

"Thou, Satan, powerless to counteract,

Shall witness all thy spoils reclaimed, undone.

For men of faith, in Christ, shall walk in truth,

Their steps ordained to tread on serpent’s head."

Thus spake the Lord, His plan with justice sealed,

The answer to the rebel’s questioning.

And Satan, though in fury, silent stood,

His schemes foreseen; his power shown as naught.

Through trials deep, mankind would find the way,

From bondage into freedom’s glorious light.

With God’s own love and power to guide their path,

They’d turn the tide and bring the darkness day.

In Heaven's realm and Earth's new-fashioned clay,

The tale unfolds, God's highest honor resounds.

For in the fall and rise of humankind,

God's truth prevails, and grace forever crowns.

1 comment:

Let Love Grow said...

Wonderful words. :-) Good to see you writing again! May you soul prosper!