Monday, February 20, 2017

A New Conversation

"God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of gifts. 
Use them well to serve one another."  - 1Peter 4:10

I'm watching something take shape that I believe is God's making, and I like the way it looks.  A lot of people do.  It has the simple power to change the conversation.  The conversation we're talking about is on the integration of adults with special needs - people who God loves dearly - into our world.  God appears to have a strong case in this conversation. 

The old conversation was about convincing businesses to hire our people - "they're not that bad" or, "we're ALL kind of quirky, really..."  It was about finding some little thing that our people could do.  It was small ball, pleading for table scraps.

I think Jesus is taking over this conversation.

The new conversation is about building profitable (ie, market-supported) businesses around the capabilities of those with special needs.  It puts our friends- God's friends- in the center of the conversation.  Its about WHICH businesses will work for our people, in various industries or crafts. 

And by 'work' I mean things like what product manufacturing can be built around the abilities of our friends.  What other kinds of businesses can we build around our friends capabilities?  From a Thrift Store, Car Wash, or Software Testing, to regaining our manufacturing sector that's been lost offshore, we now have a new conversation about viable, special-worker-centric businesses.

Am I all alone in this new industry sector?  What social entrepreneurs will join me?  Who wants to change the world?  Who wants to demonstrate God's Love?  Who wants to bring the kingdom of God to earth?

This is compassionate business.  God's special people at the center.  Or really, Christ at the center, putting generous treatment of special people at the center of the business- at the center of the conversation.  Taking those who society didn't know what to do with, and turning them into producers and bread-winners.  That sounds like the kingdom of God to me.

This sounds like the kingdom of God to me too!

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